Switch On And Get With The Flow in 8 Easy Ways

by | Feb 22, 2023 | Happiness, Motivation, Personal Growth

Photo by Scott Rodgerson on Unsplash


=>You Feel Challenged

Feeling challenged is a relative emotion. If you feel like you aren’t breezing through and you are using all your faculties mentally and/or physically, then it is safe to assume you are feeling challenged.


=>You are Concentrating

If your mind isn’t wondering what to cook for dinner or that stupid thing you said in a meeting last week, then welcome to the land of concentration. May you visit frequently.


=>You Know Your Goals

You are aware of what you are trying to accomplish and how to carry through with those tasks.


=>You are Receiving Feedback

Feedback may be seeing the words you are typing, watching your team’s score go up on the board, or maybe you are watching the Lego kit you are working on take form in front of you. Either way, you are seeing the results of your work.


=>Your “Daily” Worries Fade

You push the undone laundry to the back of your mind, you aren’t thinking about the fight you had with your sister, or whatever else has been plaguing you for the past few days. All you see, feel, hear, taste, and smell is what you are working on and the results you are creating.


=>You Lose Yourself

You have become one with your work. While this may be temporary, you will not feel depleted when you return.


=>You Feel Control

Control over yourself, over what you are creating/doing, control over the results that come out of it. This sense of control should also extend to how you feel in general.


=>You Lose Track of Time

When you finally stop and come up for air, you have no idea if it has been ten minutes or three hours. All you know is that you were working, and you were enjoying it.

After reading this, you either know that you have in fact, flipped your switch or you were sorely mistaken in thinking that you had. Either way, these conditions can give you guideposts to know if the work you are putting in to flip your switch is leading you in the right direction.




P.S. Want to hear me teach on a specific topic or have a question you’d like answered? Simply respond to this email with your suggestions! I’m all ears!

PLUS: Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you get  what you want in your career and relationships.

1. Read the Dr.Veronica.com blog. I post different strategies and tips to help you achieve success every day in your health, money, relationships, life purpose and mindset.

2. Have your Human Design done.  The framework for how you can approach your career and relationships to more easily get what you want is laid out in your unique spiritual DNA. Learn through my free video lessons what action steps you can immediately take to begin getting better results in your job and when interacting with people, including romantic partners, family, friends and work colleagues. Click here to get started.

3. Join our Ultimate Guide to Attracting Your Soulmate Masterclass and be a Case Study 
I’m putting together a relationship case study group  this month… stay tuned for details. If you’d like to work with me and  finally discover how to find the right person even if it seems like you keep picking the wrong one,  just reply to this message and put “Soulmate” in the subject line.

4. Work with me One-On-One.
I’ve helped many of my private clients “stop getting in their own way,” so they could create the relationship and career that they want—without struggle, without grueling hard work, and without waiting years and years for it to happen. Would you like to know how to do this for yourself?
Hit reply and drop the word “PRIVATE” in the subject line… tell me a little about you and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!

5. Check us out on Instagram for interesting tips.




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