Prosperity Surrounds Me

by | Feb 27, 2023 | Happiness, Law of attraction, Money, Prosperity, Save Time & Money, Wealth

Photo by Katie Harp on Unsplash


As I write to you today, are you able to reflect on the words and perhaps tomorrow and the rest of this week make them into your word? Visualize and feel the emotions behind these words…….

When I wake up in the morning, I see what is all around me and I feel prosperous.

I live in a home that I have made my own. My favorite books are stacked nearby. My change jar sits atop the bedroom dresser. Even though it contains only pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters, the change piled in that jar signifies a type of prosperity to me.

Upon opening the closet door, my favorite colors jump out at me and I smile.

The comfortable stuffed chair in my family room waits for me each day. I enjoy my favorite beverage (kombucha or white tea) there in the mornings after coming in from a long relaxing walk with my doggies. I might snuggle up to browse a magazine.

Listening to the music I love on my MP3 player or watching a movie on television is like taking a miniature vacation.

Signs of prosperity are found everywhere in my world, even in the simplest of things. 

I discover prosperity in the most unexpected places. In the kitchen cabinet, I find a package of the most decadent cookies. I have creamer in the refrigerator for my coffee this week. I can enjoy a Saturday lunch with a cherished friend.

Today, I am more aware of my prosperity as I develop greater appreciation for it. 

Recounting the small joys in my everyday life helps me to see the prosperity that abounds all around me.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1.   Am you able to recognize and appreciate the prosperity in your  life?
  2.   How can you ensure that you consistently take note of the prosperity that surrounds you?
  3.   What can you add to your  life to enable yourself to feel more prosperous?


Until next time,



P.S. Do you have a prosperity mindset or do you feel this is all bullsh*t?
What is holding you back from prosperity?

Reply to this email and tell your struggles.

PLUS: Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you get  what you want in your career and relationships.

1. Read the blog. I post different strategies and tips to help you achieve success every day in your health, money, relationships, life purpose and mindset.

2. Have your Human Design done.  The framework for how you can approach your career and relationships to more easily get what you want is laid out in your unique spiritual DNA. Learn through my free video lessons what action steps you can immediately take to begin getting better results in your job and when interacting with people, including romantic partners, family, friends and work colleagues. Click here to get started.

3. Join our Ultimate Guide to Attracting Your Soulmate Masterclass and be a Case Study 
I’m putting together a relationship case study group  this month… stay tuned for details. If you’d like to work with me and  finally discover how to find the right person even if it seems like you keep picking the wrong one,  just reply to this message and put “Soulmate” in the subject line.

4. Work with me One-On-One.
I’ve helped many of my private clients “stop getting in their own way,” so they could create the relationship and career that they want—without struggle, without grueling hard work, and without waiting years and years for it to happen. Would you like to know how to do this for yourself?
Hit reply and drop the word “PRIVATE” in the subject line… tell me a little about you and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!

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