82: The Secret behind Wheat with Cyndi O’Meara – Dr. Veronica Anderson

by | Jul 27, 2017 | Podcast

“If we start feeding our family with the basics of food, we will heal a nation”

 Cyndi O’Meara 

How much do you know about the food you eat? Cyndi O’Meara is a nutritionist for over 30 years who helps people make better choices in their lives in order to enjoy a healthier future. She wrote the best seller book, Changing Habits, Changing lives back in 1998. And now, she has made a ground breaking documentary that educates the people on how to take control of their health.

On this episode, she shares her journey on how she decided to get rid of wheat. She explains about the impact of wheat to our health and what can be done to avoid it. She offers a program called “6 Weeks No Wheat” which provides a step by step program on what you can eat, what you need to look for and how to change your lifestyle.

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82: Show Notes

Dr. Veronica Anderson’s Links:




Changing Habits, Changing Lives – Cyndi O’Meara


Time stamps:

02:36 – Why she got of wheat

07:05 – The evolution of wheat

11:06 – What’s with sour dough

17:05 – Hybridization vs. Genetically Modified

20:01 – Manifestation of eating too much wheat

24:50 – Wheat presence on medicines and other products

30:05 – Tips for changing habits

33:37 – The 6 Weeks No Wheat program



Full Transcript:

Female VO: Welcome to the Wellness Revolution Podcast, the radio show all about wellness in your mind, body, spirit, personal growth, sex, and relationships. Stay tuned for weekly interviews featuring guests that have achieved physical, mental, and spiritual health in their lives.

Dr. Veronica: Thanks again for joining doctor Veronica’s Wellness Revolution. Today we’re going to talk about that subject that stresses a lot of us and that is wheat and gluten. So, people are like saying it’s fake it’s not fake it’s a fad. We’re going to work on that today because I have a lady who’s been doing this for over 30 years and actually wrote a best-selling book. She comes all the way from Australia, all the way from Australia. “Changing habits – Changing lives” is that what the book is called? Cindy O’Meara, “Changing habits – Changing lives” is that the right name of the book? Yes. Okay.

Cindy O’Meara: So, that is the name in the book that was I wrote that in 1998.

Dr. Veronica: 98. So, she’s been helping people about changing their lives and it’s about changing habits. And there are strategies to being able to change habits and changing those habits you may think are hard but the same way you develop a habit that’s not serving, you can develop a habit that will serve you and get you to the results but there is a strategy to do it that actually works. And it’s pretty easy because I’ve learned, I’ve learned that strategy the first few days are tough but then once you figure out changing one thing at a time and how to do it. It’s absolutely amazing that you can develop. You would probably develop12 new habits a year and doing it nice and slow but that’s a whole new so we’re going to talk about week. So, Cindy has a distinction of having this movie this documentary – “What’s with wheat”. Whatswithwheat.com. You can watch it on Netflix but this is her baby, her production and I decided she’s all the way from Australia but we were having a week discussion one day online and I said I got to get this lady on my show so that her word gets out she the words out in Australia we got to get it out there more in America so that we can help people understand what are the truths one of the myths and if you decide that getting rid of wheat out of your diet is a strategy that’s going to help your particular health then what do I do and how do I do that. So, Cindy O’Meara welcome to the Wellness Revolution. Thanks for coming all the way from Australia and you just happen to be in America right now.

Cindy O’Meara: I do. Thank you, Dr. Veronica.

Dr. Veronica: So, start by your story. I understand usually people don’t just give up wheat because they decide one-day wheat is bad and I’m giving them up. They usually have issues that made them say I got to get off of this. So, what is your story?

Cindy O’Meara: Yeah, well, I’m from a family that actually died young so my mom is the oldest of 11, she had seven brothers 68 hemophiliac and I’m from that family we have diabetes type 1 diabetes, we have cancer breast cancer liver cancer my mom died of lung cancer, my sister died of an autoimmune disease called crest so I’m not the greatest genetic lottery. So, I decided that prevention was the key. So, I need anthropology through University I did nutrition through University and human anatomy and I knew how to prevent disease. I had done all the research and I ate that way all of my life had what makes children that they’d never had any medications. I haven’t had any medication. So, I knew what I was doing and then when I got to 49 and I started to put on weight I’ve never done like before I got a sore right hip, so sore that I thought I was going to have to have some sort of operation because I was in so much pain that my back and my lower back eighteen months was a constable sort anxiety, dry skin dry hair. I was breaking down and I thought this currently see but the nutrition I thought why don’t I just do an elimination. Why don’t I eliminate everything and see if the food that I’m consuming because I’m very much into elimination before I start to taste it’s just what I do. So, eliminating everything but flesh food. So, very, very small amounts of lean meat fish and chicken. Green vegetable is coming out my ears and a couple of streets and in three weeks every system that has ever come about disappeared completely. In actual fact, I lost a hundred and nine hundred so nine kilos in Australia with what eighteen to twenty pounds in three weeks which I never put back on again. And when I introduced the food back into the diet I recognized that wheat was my biggest problem as soon as I get back in I started to put the way I put on I think in a 24-hour period I put on one and a half pounds. Which is water weight it’s inflammation. My sore back came back my anxiety came back all in 24 hours. So, I went for what’s wrong with wheat I’ve done anthropology we needed week was a part of our culture and so I went on a bit of an exploratory education adventure and met the most amazing people and decided other people need to know about this. Here I was a nutritionist and I have been for 37years how could I have not known about this? So, that’s why did the documentary because my husband said to me would you like to write another book about it. No, I don’t. And he said, “Why not do a documentary?” So, that was why the documentary came about. It was him who said let’s do a documentary.

Dr. Veronica: Yeah. So, because we’re all different types of learners so it’s wonderful that you did a documentary. There are many books out about this but to be able to go and watch it with a storyline is very informative and you know everybody’s Netflix binging these days. So, wonderful idea to do that. So, start with telling us a little bit of background about why wheat is such a big deal? So, let me just give a little background on some things that I’ve noticed that I’m sure you’re going to hit on some of these topics too. I noticed that when I’m here in this country and I eat wheat I have a lot of problems. I muscle ate some pains or some of the first things that I will get way before any stomach upset or anything like that has happened. So, if you’re getting aids and pains you think I’m just getting old and that’s why I’m getting eight so babe and you my stomach just doesn’t work as well anymore. But aches and pains is something that I get now I’ve noticed that my husband his family’s in France we go visit France I will go to France they’re eating bread presses lunch and dinner. Sometimes there’s no other choices there. I don’t speak French and they’re very polite and so I feel like I cannot ask for other things necessarily. They’re eating what they’re eating dairy I’m eating what I’m eating dairy and I feel fine. No wakes and pains. So, talk a little bit about wheat sourcing all that other stuff that makes a difference in the process of how different people deal with wheat.

Cindy O’Meara: Yeah, well, traditionally that the first week they delayed was about 23,000 years ago and it was called “iron corn”. It wasn’t corn but that was just what was called the binding point so it was the first week then it was a mono food and then it crossed with another grass became a diploid and that was Emily. So, when you’re in Europe you’re consuming iron corn or Emily the old traditional way but here in the US and in Australia about 1980 a new wheat was hybridized. So, it wasn’t genetically modified it was hybridized and this hybridization shortened the stem made it a greater yield but not necessarily made it a more nutritious food. But I don’t think that that was the defining thing that happened it was one of the things and wheat daily and we invaded any book was Sally talks about it so he talked about the hybridization being a major issue. But what I indicated in my movie is there were many things but accumulated and then there was the one other thing that happened that was like the perfect storm that created this issue that will not seem because I was brought up in the sixties reformers everybody ate wheat. Nobody had a problem with it and that’s why people think it’s a fad. It’s not a fad we have to go back to our traditional week and we have to prepare them properly and we have to stop eating it breakfast lunch dinner in our medications in our vitamins and minerals on our skin creams everywhere. It’s like when we started looking at it like the program that we’ve done we’ve identified everything that has wheat in it and it goes for pages. It’s not just bread pasta cookies crackers you know things like that it is in so many pools and if you have a sensitivity to gluten you’re just going to set your system up you continue to give aids and pains anxiety skin issues mental issues. We are realizing that it is affecting the nervous system. So, but I think the straw that broke the camel’s back was that anew agricultural chemical started to be used and this agricultural chemical actually is being patented as a biocide. So, go before planting but it also can be used three weeks after harvest or be sorry before harvest and it stays on the grain and as you eat it not only have you not prepared it properly in you’re eating way too much of it and it’s been hybridized. But it has a chemical in it that kills the variability of your body to digest the wheat which is the chemical is called glyphosate otherwise known as round that. So, this is the issue is that weirdest or any eating lots of its inherently inflammatory we’re not preparing it the old-fashioned way like they do in France. We you know the old sow goes but we’re destroying the gut microbiome that gives us that ability to break down the protein break down gluten break down Gladys so we can use the amino acids. So, that’s the in a nutshell what has happened to our wheat.

Dr. Veronica: So, you mentioned something else that you know I read some books and I was working on a program to keep my teeth strong and they mentioned about eating sourdoughs. And I said well soon let me try sourdoughs and see if that makes a difference in how I feel my body feels with wheat here. And behold I noticed yes in fact what they say the book is true and I can tell you I don’t get the aids and pains of this that and the other thing. Talk a minute about sourdough and what’s going on there so that people can understand when they’re picking why it looks sourdough bread looks the same as the other bread to me when I look at it but there’s something different going on. Why is it easier for us to deal with?

Cindy O’Meara: I think our ancestors were very much they knew what foods would make them live and not be unwell and they knew how to prepare them. So, if I can just give you an example of our Australian Aboriginal people, they ate a grain called nardoo now do if you eat it raw will kill you. So, we want to know immediately what it does it takes away you’ll be vitamin so it has an antinutrient in it that will not allow you to absorb it B vitamins or utilize to be balanced. So, the Australian Aboriginal people for thousands and thousands of years knew how to prepare. It has to be so it has to be crushed it had to be washed and then it had to be cooked and that way they could continuously or not die of it. So, our ancestors in in white people type of you know the way we have eaten green we’ve always done a sourdough with our bread or our wheat because we must have known or learn it but inherently it was inflammatory and unless we prepared it properly it would become an issue. So, it was a fermentation processing and there were bugs in there and those bugs would digest all the amino ask or the proteins down into amino acids and then when we ate it we have more bugs if all of it wasn’t digested it would digest it down. So, why is a protein dangerous to the human body at versus an amino acid when it enters through the intestinal lining into the blood? So, as we digest food in the gut it breaks down we put it into the blood system so while there is a building block that I can use. Let’s put that into the thyroid and let me use that lets make muscle or whatever it is that we need to make. So, when it’s a protein sometimes if we are the enemy and what will happen is as it as its energy only the immune response will happen and we’ll create antibodies to it. But let’s say that protein has the sequence AABBC and we eat it for breakfast morning tea lunch afternoon tea and dinner. The body sees the AABBC and will say “Ok, this is a real truth and I better look for it in the rest of my body and see whether it’s going to cause a problem”. And you might have that pricking strand in your thyroid and the body will start to attack that thyroid. That’s called molecular mimicry or there are other reasons behind it and you’ll get Hashimoto’s or you might get Graves’ disease. So, we need to digest our food but if we don’t prepare it properly and we do not have the bugs to help us digest it, we are going to have some real issues and we’re going to increase the amount of allergies food sensitivities and in tolerances that we now see. So, that that’s the gist of it we it’s a first stage of digestion just like your teeth are and your stomach is and then your summative and then the small intestine is it’s all required to you to digest these foods to enable us the building blocks to build the most beautiful skin care organs blood systems, everything.

Dr. Veronica: So, is it fair enough to say that one of the reasons that saps things like sourdough bread is easier on your system is because it’s almost predigested. Would that be a one-liner?

Cindy O’Meara: Yeah, that’s the best one-liner I’ve heard. Well it is pretty digested but I want people to be aware that when anything becomes involved the industry will find the best way it can to make it fast and fake it. So be very careful about your salad dose and try and find the old-fashioned ups at Adams and Baker who is actually doing it and they’re just not getting a premix that they add water to raise it in an hour and then it goes. So, like they do it all the time. I’ve noticed it even with some fermented drinks, you know. They’re saying that something is a kombucha but I’ve actually seen it with flavors and artificial sugars and all sorts of things in it. So, be very aware I just want people to be aware that sow to make sure it’s being done the old-fashioned way.

Dr. Veronica: Wonderful. And so, what other types of what are some other important points that we need to get from the webinar or not sorry not the webinar the documentary? I do webinar so much as once a webinar the documentary. Okay, so, we know now the wheat is different from that let me just recap the wheat from what our ancestor ate is much different than wheat meat now. Especially in places like America and Australia which is different than Italy and France. So, our supply is different and there’s hybridization and there’s also like oscillate white fox lake I got the word nice bunny but I don’t say it very much. I see already all the time I know it is known as roundup put out by a company that spends a lot of money to ally our government including putting outstudies to try to convince us that these things are safe but we know our body has problems with one the hybridization and two the chemicals that are standardly used on our crops and now there are these substances are put within the food to make them more stronger against insects and things like that. This is what we call pesticides and so we are having problems with that. Okay. So, if just a little bit of vernacular is hybridization the same as GMO or genetically modified? Are they one in the same?

Cindy O’Meara: No, no. We’re not taking genetically modified is taking from one species and gene-splicing that into another story. So, in order to make there’s something out at the moment called ketone exogenous ketones or so endogenous ketone. And what they do is they take a jean fly out of the bacteria and they throw it into Escherichia coli and Escherichia coli then produces the endogenous ketones that people keep eating but don’t even know that it is from a genetically modified Escherichia coli. So, that genetically modified hybridization is when the nature does it naturally. So, nature will pull two things together and they’ll cross and what happens is that there is that hybridization. This was a manipulated hybridization and what I company called BASF are doing at the moment is it chemically hybridizing and they’re using a chemical that’s very not just basically to hybridize these plants. So, no, they’re two different things. I think hybridization naturally is the way we created your plants but there is the hybridization that’s called Clearfield wheat that we need to be very careful about as well but then on top of that we then put a chemical. So, it’s there’s many things and by the way you did talk about Italy and I do these people tonight that the Italians are now becoming the fastest growing group of people with celiac disease because I believe they are using our wheats I don’t think they’re using their traditional wheats in their pastures anymore. They are one of the biggest pasta makers in the world and I think they’re starting to use Western wheats. So, just be aware if you do go to Europe make sure you go to your artisan bakeries and you get the old beautiful breads

Dr. Veronica: Ah, yes. So, luckily, I get to go in the summer again because with the visit family and I’ve like I’m just always amazed at how I could eat all this wonderful stuff could not have a problem and so that’s sort that started me on my journey disabled. Man, what’s going on here, why is it so different? So, we have several things going on. Now, people are going to say alright I hear what you’re saying I hear it’s a problem I think maybe these are problems in my body, it could be. So, just go over a little bit, problems that people have that are not necessarily digestive issues which we know everything is a digestive issue really. But are not don’t manifest as digestive symptoms that people have I said for instance I get muscle aches and pains I can tell if I eat too much wheat my elbow right here hurts. I like to tell every I tell all my patients my elbow where my elbow right here hurts I know I had too much that means stop. What have you ever talked about some of the other manifestations of overeating yourself?

Cindy O’Meara: Yeah. Actually, folks, Veronica, you’re listening to your body. That’s what you’re doing. Your elbow is your indicated. Mine was my sore back and then eventually it came to my little finger. So, I know if I eat wheat this joint in my finger hood so um we must listen to rap volume instead of what we’re doing is we’re giving pain killers and not listening anymore. So, it may what what we realized and we talked about in the documentary is that it can be so fast that we know that there’s system powering that reaction. Now, if it’s called non-celiac gluten sensitivity it can manifest as celiac disease wheat allergy non-celiac gluten sensitivity or an autoimmune disease. So, let’s not talk about the autoimmune diseases because you know people are talking about them because they become so rounded and we won’t talk about wheat allergy or silly activist everyone knows about that but let’s just talk about non-celiac gluten sensitivity. So, when your body consumes it and it’s not digested what happens is it there’s a belief that it’s affecting the nervous system. So, where it manifests will depend on your specifically. So, it may be migraines it may be headaches it will be asked in position it might be silence it could be drinks aches and pains may manifest in a body organ such as the heart and then you may have congestive heart or you may have heart disease or it may like, it could go anywhere in body it could be your big toe it could be gout that we could cause. So, what we’re realizing is that if there’s many symptoms and I think they’ve indicated like almost a hundred plus symptoms that may manifest as a result of your body not wanting to have that gluten. But what do we do? We do that symptom down we don’t listen to our body and we continue to eat that seed and I know people know that wheat going off wheat makes them feel good but they’re so accustomed to it they love it so much it’s a part of their life they’re prepared to eat it and put up with their pain.

Dr. Veronica: Yes, somewhat some of the less talked about symptoms that people can have, I just want to mention a few are it was weak it can attack your brain your cerebellum and you can have balance issues or you can have which you can have what’s called a “taxi aware”. You’re having problems with your balance but also with your eyes. I’m an ophthalmologist originally by training you can get what’s called nystagmus where your eyes shaped back and forth. And so, for anyone who has a symptom that when they go to the doctor it’s been worked up and can’t be explained, the first thing I would say is stop wheat. That’s the first thing I would say. So, if you realize like let’s talk about balance for a second because that’s something that if you’re tripping and falling if you notice you can’t balance as well you think. Oh, it’s just going away with age and yeah there is some decline but you may notice a big difference just from stopping wheat. Now, what do we do? Oh, my gosh. I have clients who are Italians and everything that’s on the food sensitive list is their whole diet because that’s their culture gets complicated and wheat is it. Okay, what do we do? We’re wheating everywhere and what one mention is you said it’s everywhere. I had a client coming the other day and I said I want you to bring in all your supplements because I want to go over all your supplements and so we can figure out if they’re good or not good. I don’t want to just trash them and say I want to give you access to professional-grade that we know are okay but I want to show you what to look for in the bottle so when you go to the store you’ll have some idea whether it’s good or not. So, I thought going through a supplement there I picked up one which was a probiotic. Probiotics are all the rage now and I said this one is not good, it has wheat and soy in it. I just turnover the bottle it says contains wheat and soy. Now, I don’t know why they put wheat and soy in the probiotic don’t know but I said this is something where they have the two allergens is going to hurt your digestive system and especially for your problem, they’re both in the pill that you’re taking that you’re thinking is the one that’s going to help you the most. So, that’s an example of how vigilant you have to be. You think I’m taking the I’m doing something good for myself and low and behold you’re doing the opposite you went off wheat but it’s in your supplement. Where else?

Cindy O’Meara: And this is the issue is that many things are made from wheat. So, vitamin C or skubick acid it’s actually not vitamin C it’s ascorbic acid ascorbic acid meaning a scrubbing stop through it so, it’s not vitamin C, it’s a second of vitamin C. It’s made from wheat. Glucose syrup is made from wheat Multi dextrose is made from wheat so we explain them in our programs so that people understand us coming from. There are medications or priory disease that have wheat in them but continues to activate the immune system preferably it’s just like you.

Dr. Veronica: I did not know that. I did not know that would right there so which bell there may be difference between Australia and America but I know you deal with a lot of people America now. Name some of the medicines that people could be on that are made for wider contain wheat that are thyroid medicines.

Cindy O’Meara: Well, they’re changing them all the time so I don’t and your names are very different to the names that we use but what you do is that you ask your pharmacist you have to get it from your pharmacist anyway. You ask your pharmacist is there any week in these jobs take your drugs to the premises and find out because you’re given that wheat but you’re taking it in your medicines. So, I’m very vigilant as I’m everything and your pharmacist should be able to tell you because people have like I remember going into a pharmacy one day and saying can I have an antibiotic without the flavors of the color and the artificial whatever and he just wanted me blankly anywhere but we don’t do that if all time is formulated. Are you serious about the Mandalorian anybody will be bitter tasting it? I don’t care. Anyway, this is what happens we will have to ask your pharmacist, read your labels, read everything, get the list from us that tells you exactly you know how to award it is in and what it’s made of the documentary told you a lot of what’s in it and we have Dr. Terry Walls on the doctor documentary and she’s just beautiful and she you know had multiple sclerosis she can have makeup on her face that has gluten in it without it setting off a reaction in her nervous system.  In fact, she said it’s very individual, you just got to check it out and see what’s right you and what’s not right to you. So, it could be in conditioners shampoos using it on your skin. So, the way I say that people it towards the end of the documentary we talk about let’s get back to the basics, let’s stop putting like a cosmetic on our body that I’ve got a hundred and fifty ingredients in it. What’s wrong with your hovel oil? What’s wrong with you know almond oils or things like that and old-fashioned ways that we used to do things? What’s wrong with going to our local markets and getting the foods from our farmer and we know that they haven’t used chemicals on it or glyphosate on it which is destroying like that bacteria? Let’s get back to the kitchen I know there’s a foreign thing but if we start cleaning our family with the basics of food, we will heal a nation as individuals, we will heal the nation but we must get back in the kitchen stop eating those foods that are packaged and are basically subscribed by your governments. They are not cheap foods they are actually very expensive foods not only to your government to your health but to the planet. So, if we can go back and just say are all individual I’m going to go and I’m going to make a difference because we’re never going to change our government. We’re never going to change the health system what people like that but as individual we can be amazing as consumers. So, that’s what I talk about is let’s go back to basics if when you get into the habit as we talked about in the beginning if we do it step by step, bit by bit, we stop buying breakfast cereals what else can we have for breakfast there is an enormous amount of beautiful foods available to us and they’re delicious.

Dr. Veronica: The number one question I get is “What am I supposed to eat for breakfast?” That’s the number one the most difficult meal for Americans I don’t know about Australians but Americans, it’s something wheat and coffee and what I’m starting people out I know that everything that any for breakfast, they’re going to have to at a time eliminate so we can figure out what’s the problem, what’s not a problem. And the number-one question is “What do I eat for breakfast”. And it’s it does it’s a change in habit and a perception and thinking because some of the food that you may eat for breakfast you may well say well that’s not really a breakfast food and then people start doing it they get into the habit and they’re okay with it, especially because they’re feeling better to spend that they’re feeling better.

Cindy O’Meara: Exactly and when you look at that’s not a breakfast food. Well, that’s just a habit. Look at Asia. If you go to Asia they eat rice and vegetables for breakfast. So, it’s just what you get used to and what about it is about checking your life and if you continue to do what you’re doing right now, you’re going to continue to get the same results. So, every week go I’m going to change one thing and I’m going to concentrate on that one thing and it could be as simple as honking one ingredient in your pantry that you’re using and then building on it. But if you’re in crisis you need to do this thing out this is not one thing that you can go I’ll change one thing a month because then crack you might and twelvemonths been so much crisis that you can’t even think straight in order to make these changes. And that’s what happens as we get to that point it’s too much it’s too hard I can’t even think how to do it I have people. I have an education program and I know people who do the education program and are trying to help fix people but it’s just too hard for them. And so, I have to look at ways to manage they’re their schedules in their life in order to change them. So, it’s yeah if some that’s what I do I help people change their life I have some change their habit I either do it step by square I pray I send them to somebody someone who have the time that can coach them through this whole program.

Dr. Veronica: Yes. And so, you mentioned that you have a program. Now, here’s the thing people say I’m busy and how do I do it and or and the other thing is you get the people say well I got to go do research and so starting number one Cindy has done the research for you and it’s in the documentary. So, you could sit down like the documentary there’s your research. But my question is did you do a research before you ate all that stuff that was bad for you? When a doctor gives you antibiotic did you do the research? When you decide you’re using that hair shampoo, did you do the research? When you go out and eat that hamburger at TGI Fridays, did you do the research? And the answer to that obviously is no. So, why when we are telling things to you that are health promoting all of a sudden you got to do a bunch of research about it? If it’s bad for you no research necessary, if we’re telling you what’s good for you all of a sudden you got to do research now I know and the reason I’m saying this is because biggest procrastination technique that I come across is I got to do research. All right number one progressive Asian technique, number two crafts nation technique is it’s too expensive. Now, let me tell you what’s expensive. Being sick is really expensive and if you think that I have insurance and so therefore it’s paid for think about how many people go bankrupt who have insurance from big hospital bills and everything and let’s not talk about you being a burden on your family and society and nobody wants to be around you because nobody likes to be around sick people. So, just on my high horse. Let’s talk a moment about your program because Cindy has agreed for when you will see this there will be a link and a code and bonuses if you sign up through me. So, you just go to the website and you signup you get it, normally if you use the stuff in the show notes you’re going to get a discount. I find good people with good stuff to help you change your life so let’s talk a minute about your program. This is we want you to be able to actually implement the change so in order to implement the change Cindy has a tool. Tell us a little bit about that.

Cindy O’Meara: So, a wonderful is six weeks no wait and what it will do is it will give you options lots of options lots of recipes but will also give you more information over and above the documentaries. So, we may have just touched on bread will we give you information about bred. So, you can do this research by just looking at the program so you’ll get more information. We’ll give you more interviews from the people that are in the documentary that will give you so much more information because in the documentary that goes for just over an hour. You can only put snippets of a two-hour interview that I’ve done with that. So, you can you know find more information that way so it is so quickly a step on how to find different things in the grocery store if that’s the only place that you can get your food from. So, we teach you about where to go on a grocery store in order to find these types of foods and we also teach you about why you need to make these changes and why you are making these changes in you know let’s just let them talk about sourdough bread we talked about you know these sounds, oh, breads that are fake sales red so we go through all of that and we go right through every meal, every snack. We’ll give you that list of all the ingredients that are made from wheat but you may not even know that. We’ll give you what is flavor or what is the what is behind the words flavor. There are 48 chemicals that in and they’re going to tell these chemicals, they don’t have to put a little bracket after it and go oh by the way there’s solvents and die axles and vanillin synthetic vanilla and there’s this and there’s that and it’s not like when you dissect an apple and you see the chemicals of an apple this is man getting these chemicals putting them together here and going oh well now that tastes like a banana. So, we do all of that and educate you because I believe education gives you power but putting that into action it’s probably the most powerful thing that you can do. And when people put it into action, they see miracles. And that’s what I love watching. They’re my heroes.

Dr. Veronica: And this is great because a lot of people decide for a short time to go off of wheat and gluten and then they want to say “Well, what do I do now?” Or “I miss this or that and what do I replace it with so I still feel satisfied?” And when you collect in a holistic community, it’s nice because you go places where people are doing the same thing and so you can get all these delicious foods that you get to see their ray. But your normal everyday person you know I feel for my clients because their whole family’s doing something different all their friends are doing something different and now they’re going on the health situation and they don’t, they’re feeling like there’s pariah. So, first I want everybody to know when you have your friends who’s a diabetic or a hypertensive and they say I don’t eat this or that because they have diabetes or hypertensive, nobody looks at them strange everybody’s okay. So, when you say you don’t eat we don’t feel like you’re doing anything wrong. Okay? Because that’s the first thing people feel that they say they don’t eat something or that they don’t want to be a different one I don’t want to be picked out. Well, if you are a diabetic and you said well I don’t eat this and the reason why diabetics are diabetics is because they do eat it. They don’t really not eat it or they wouldn’t be a diabetic so know that first of all and just because they’re putting the artificial sweetener and that’s a whole another show. Artificial sweetener and they’re into order drinking the diet coke. Notice they’re drinking the diet coke but they always have dessert. People with the wheat you can do this, you can do this, you can do this. And the reason why I’ve had several people who are in this field on is because I would like people to find the program that works for them. But start here. Well, here’s a place where you can start with the documentary that teaches you about it and then you decide for yourself whether or not you feel it’s valid instead of having to go out and do all the research on University of Google. It’s right there into documentary so you could kick back eating some popcorn because that’s a wheat for you. We can talk about how you have to make your popcorn to which you can still make it good and be tasty.We free popcorn kick back watch the documentary. That’s your research very well talking to all the experts and then when you say okay I’d like to do this, Cindy has a program where you can do this, you know, six weeks no week. And I’m like alright see I like to try people’s programs too so I’m like alright I’m going to try this program and I’m going to try it so that I can say hey we’re going to do a week thing. Everybody in my community let’s go up to wheat here’s how we’re going to do it we’re going to use Cindy’s program this is the best one. I mean they’re there and let me just say this, let me say this, again, although Cindy has a documentary in a good program if you think something else works for you by all means use it. No excuses, use whatever you feel works for you. Parting words Cindy.

Cindy O’Meara: To go up weight can be very dramatic and I think my padding weighs is from a gentleman who watched it in New York and he’d been in wheelchairs he had been 60 years no one told him to go off weight. Two weeks later he called Australia and tells us how it has absolutely changed his life and health. Don’t think that just the minor food that we consume and people think is it worth the food but you know we’ve been eating at the thousands of years, can’t make the biggest difference of all. So that I guess I guess you know try it give it a give it a go you can’t do a test for non-celiac gluten sensitivity, give it a go and see what happen.

Dr. Veronica: Yes, wonderful. Cindy O’Mara thank you so much for your work. I’m glad somebody is out there doing it. All of us practitioners have to work together and collaborate to help people be healthy. The information is right there, thank you so much for doing a documentary because everybody likes to Netflix binge.

Cindy O’Meara: Thank you Dr. Veronica.

Female VO: Thank you for listening to the Wellness Revolution Podcast. If you want to hear more on how to bring wellness into your life visit drveronica.com. See you all next week. Take care.



Medical Intuitive, Functional Medicine Doctor, Functional Medicine New York, ManhattanDr. Veronica Anderson is an MD, Functional Medicine Practitioner, Homeopath. and Medical Intuitive. As a national speaker and designer of the Functional Fix and Rejuvenation Journey programs, she helps people who feel like their doctors have failed them. She advocates science-based natural, holistic, and complementary treatments to address the root cause of disease. Dr. Veronica is a highly-sought guest on national television and syndicated radio and hosts her own radio show, Wellness for the REAL World, on FOX Sports 920 AM “the Jersey” on Mondays at 7:00 pm ET.

To get started transforming your health, schedule a consult HERE.



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